The Pros of Globalization. Globalization allows us to pool all our resources together. The middle class suffer the most in the process. In this manner, it is a mutual benefit. Increased trade to larger and more diverse markets results in greater revenues and increased gross domestic product (GDP). Cultural Theory and Popular Culture Globalization, Mass Media and Culture Table of Contents Globalization, Mass Media and Culture 1 . Instant access to information from anywhere in the world. Managing the organization is therefore not just about managing functions, but managing linkages between those functions (Picard, 74; Time Warner Inc Home Page 2007). Capacity to communicate and defend one's values and ideals . Standardization of Living 4. Media Globalization Globalization has been at the forefront in changing the media, as it brings about communication technology. Advantages of Old Media. Meaning countries can focus on manufacturing products that have a less relative benefit. Makes the World a Smaller Place While a clich idea, the world being a small place has become more evident with the rise of global communication. Today the media play a key role in enhancing globalization. * Consumers to get much wider variety of products to choose from. Reducing the number of borders would create more theoretical stability. The biggest advantage of the radio as a means of media globalization is that it can be understood by even an illiterate person and can cater to a larger number of people. Creation of world power and less and less compartmentalized power sectors. Goods and people are transferred with more easiness from one country to another. 1. Supporters of globalization argue that it has the potential to make this world a better place to live in and solve some of the deep-seated problems like unemployment and poverty. 2. Therefore the importance of radio in the society is indispensable. People get to know regarding health problems, environmental protection, and more via television and radio programmes. The main advantage of this development is that it has drastically improved the quality of work done while reducing the amount of time spent doing the same. By reducing wasteful expenditures and increasing responsiveness to demand, these policies promote schooling more efficiently. 5. Potential benefits of globalization for the economy include increased choice, higher quality products, increased competition, economies of scale, increased capital flows, increased labor mobility and improved international relations. The migration of labor from developing countries can help developed countries to reduce costs. But information is not always the media's goal. Advantages of Globalization Customer Supremacy World Trade Growth Quality Products and Services Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) International Cooperation Free Market Economy Employment Opportunities Standardization of Living Economy Growth Contribution to World Economy Disadvantages of Globalization Increased Competition Today, more than ever the media plays a pivotal role in the ways in which Americans think and what they believe. Technology allows for quick communication, fast and coordinated transport, and efficient mass marketing, all of which have allowed globalizationespecially globalized mediato take hold. Social network provides a platform for the dissemination of information. It opens up the international markets for local enterprises, providing them with expansion opportunities. In this globalized world, the US can rob, lie and steal and make the world believe that they can do all this for the good of humankind. The media industry as an inevitable and of import pert of our life now worldwide is in the clasp of globalization. Fund transfers Internet, intranet and transmission of business communication Techno political issues GLOBAL NETWORKS. 3. International Communication 10 Advantages of Globalization. Multinational companies can virtually conduct their business in many countries. Globalization from a business perspective means leaving one's country and selling one's goods and services to another country. It has also enabled businesses to expand their market since they can reach a . This can result in lower costs and higher profits for the business. Advantages of Globalization. Without the media it would be virtually impossible for the typical American citizens to be informed of today's events. It means that they can have access to more capital, technology, cheaper imports and larger export markets. It expands our understanding. Media globalization is all about integrating the world with different media with the help of cross cultural ideas and exchange of perceptions, whereas the technological globalization deals with the development of the cross cultures and technological exchange (Bagdikian, 2004). Due to globalization war between developed countries has reduced. Disadvantages of Media Now exploring the disadvantages of media below. Globalization itself is a phenomena that is developing countries, but it does not reduce poverty. Therefore the importance of radio in the society is indispensable. Globalization brings new and better jobs to countries such as China and India that were. The advantages and disadvantages of globalization above will surely give you lots of great . One of the key goals of political globalization is to create better trade routes around the world (in effect, to support and promote economic globalization). 3. It is a term that refers to the fast integration and interdependence of various nations, which shapes the world affairs on a global level. Moreover it has a greater impact on the rural as they are able to connect to the radio easily. The research is very important because we can find the effects of social media and its reasons behind the effects. The boost in economic power. These benefits are; free trade which is the manner in which different countries exchange goods/services and resources. This module presents Media, its advantages and disadvantages for the society, its roles in the globalizaon process and the globalizaon of media. Because of this it has allowed for much more efficient international cooperation (Denton). The extent of communication 9. World GDP has grown from about $50 trillion in 2000 to about $75 trillion in 2016, primarily as a result of economic . It leads to the expenditure of work to other nations while leaving self-nation empty of employment. Better Services 3. Communication becomes easier because people may communicate with this global language. Free . Today 1 in 3 people around the globe are active on social media, and all you need to reach them is an . One of the best examples of globalization within our lifetime is the construction of the International Space Station. However, it is a two-way sword since a higher demand for imported products adversely affects the local businesses. The economic benefits of globalization to much of the world are hard to ignore. . Technological globalization refers to the cross-cultural development and exchange of technology. Globalization impacts businesses in many different ways. Today your global workforce could work from anywhere in the world with an internet connection opening you up to the brightest and best . Adverse effects on trade balance : The pre-caution of globalization is a trade opening. Printing Telegraph Telephone Radio Transportation Technology Modern Development IMPORTANT MILESTONES. 4. We need to know what is going on in the world, if only to show us self-centered, isolationist, First World North Americans that we have it very good here, and al. Labor: Labor is costly in developed nations. Globalization is the spread of business activity (products, services and people) across international borders. It has done so through a decrease in international trade barriers and the creation of new economic opportunities. Due to globalization war between developed states has reduced. Disparity. Old media have broad reach. Increased productivity and general output. Increased free trade and communication between nations, along with increased access to technology, media, education, healthcare, consumer goods, and other resources. Despite the vast areas and details covered in this media research, and benefits to the television industry, there are limitations of the lack of audience response to the programs Globalization has affected the products people consume, the environment, culture, security, and idea exchange between different countries. Globalization would limit the opportunities for labor exploitation. As the names suggest, media globalization is the worldwide integration of media (all print, digital, and electronic means of communication) through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas. Distance is not a barrier. Globalization has made the rich richer and the poor, poorer. globalization and new technologies (in matos, 2012) new technologies have permitted a reduction in cost of communications - computerised technology, satellite tv and the internet all have contributed to the reduction of costs, encouraging home made productions ("everyone can publish content on the internet) there has been a growing body Ease of Trade. Today all forms of media are part of our everyday life. They can easily migrate to places where they are getting better opportunities. Globalization is relevant to all businesses as it allows them to communicate and. Reach a huge, global audience. Moreover it has a greater impact on the rural as they are able to connect to the radio easily. The extensive reach of globalisation extends to daily choices of personal, economic and political life. It's hard to argue with the point that globalization makes more goods and services available to more people, often at lower prices. Transnational communication has several advantages. Social media strengthen social relations. A number of positive aspects of globalization include: Building up the economic and social structures of struggling countries and economies through free trade. Reduces labour exploitation: Globalization enables the free movement of labour among countries and save them from exploitation. ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IT CAN DESCRIBE WITH FIVE IMPORTANT ELEMENTS: PRODUCTION, KNOWLEDGE, INSTRUMENTS, POSSESSION, CHANGE. Therefore, it has greatly increased rapid and authentic communication between different international organizations and countries. Rapid advancement of communication and technology, made it more globalized. The media spreads through international news broadcasts, new technologies . The media leads to different modes of communication. People get news daily through the media and this keeps them updated on the happenings around the world. Di . At times, the nation encounter displacement of a whole industry to a . Some of the advantages are: Another language added to many people's vocabulary. Learning about and sharing of new and interesting cultures with one another. globally and vertically incorporate pudding stones. 3. Globalization Broadens Access to Goods and Services . Improving the government's emphasis on culture is a main benefit of globalization. Increased standards of living. First, it has boosted the business sector. The rise of international currency conversion apps such as TransferWise is a prime example. Another one is show the world the Chinese traditional culture. Explained below are the benefits of globalization to business which enables the growth of international economies hugely. Globalization of social media has brought positive changes in the response to humanitarian crises worldwide. 5. The industries that took off after 1914 were electronics, including telephones, radio and then television and autos plus oil and rubber. And the media also play important role in facilitating culture exchange flows of information between countries. One of the basic function is disseminating information. Extension of human rights 10. Advantages and Disadvantages of Media: Media refers to a means of communication such as broadcasting, publishing, or anything or communication involving the use of the internet or other sources that uses different branches to facilitate global communication for individuals situated across the world. Globalization makes it easier than ever to access foreign culture, including food, movies, music, and art. The US had budgeted USD 300 million to take advantage of the media to influence the world against China. Social media helps us in globalization because we can keep in touch with each other it helps people to learn about others culture. Global networking allows individuals and businesses to connect with people around the world . that is obliging them to travel toward being much higher-up. Media is a means of communication system that carries any message to [] Free trading increases the mutuality of the nation-state. 1. Transfer of Technology 2. 6. Goods and services are offered cheaply in today's world because of varying levels of living standards. Development of Infrastructure 5. Pros of cultural globalization: Access to new cultural products (art, entertainment, education) Better understanding of foreign values and attitudes. This is projected to grow to 5.85 billion by 2027. Tan, Jenifer L. Contemporary World What is/are the advantage/s of media in All media houses are reacting to a general market state of affairs caused by unstable globalisation. Although the benefits of social media cannot be definitively measured, its contributions cannot go unnoticed (Boyd 2007, p. 214). Global Media Global communicaon is the term used to describe ways to connect, share, relate and mobilize across geographic, polical, economic, social, and cultural divides. Sharing news, thoughts and opinions to a global audience is no longer something only the rich and powerful can do. Social media has enabled the populace to interact with family members and friends who live far. - A closer relationship and shared culture by people from different continents - Increased income and transnational corporations Media in Britain has had to adapt different languages to attract a new international audience. Social media also provides a forum for cultural exchange. Compared to the Mir station at $4.2 billion, the price tag is astronomical. However, the process of global media have both advantages and also some other disadvantages. Extensions of Market Disadvantages of Globalization 1. Business travelers, in particular, can benefit from this knowledge and appreciation of other cultures. Globalization makes it infinitely easier to exchange ideas, food, music, media, and language as you learn to live and work in different countries. Anyone with a Twitter handle how has global reach. 9 Advantages of Globalization 1. This aspect consequently improves the lifestyles of the people using the machines (Rifkin, 2003, Spiritual Perspectives on Globalization, p.176). Even though globalization is widely open in the latest avenues such as employment and market, there is still a disparity that comes along with the improvement of the economy. In today's globalized society it is becoming increasingly easy to make international business connections and build networks of contacts that stretch across the globe. Global media is one of the great creations or discovery of a human. Ability to tap into a wider talent pool. Technology is the driving force of globalization. . I. Individualism: Watching or binge-watching content on the internet consumes an excessive amount of time. Media can influence the masses in a number of different ways. Advantages 1. Misuse and mismanagement of natural resources is another drawback of globalization. Provision of rewarding opportunities. Branching out internationally is a key sign that a business is doing well. There is NO disadvantage to legitimate global news media. Understanding and embracing differences help people all over the world. People connected in the world due to global mass media. Economic Growth 7. Today's world the social media's influence on revolution is a very hot issue in the press and also among the youth. 4. It also applies to devices for interaction. Transnational media is communication and entertainment that expands to international borders. People get the latest news in a very short time. The speed with which culture is diffused has changed as a . Growing Inequality 2. Increased Flow of Capital. However, in many other cases, this ease of movement is often limited to highly educated professionals and locks out working-class people from the benefits of globalization. The media is media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication. For instance, greater access to modern technologies, in the world of health care, could make the difference between life and death. Since, globalization of the media has eased a complete . Globalization would work to equalize wages, which would create positive impacts for everyone over a long-term evaluation period. Media gains sustainable competitive advantage by conceiving new ways of conducting activities, employing new procedures, technologies, inputs, or channels of distribution. Technology provides some sort of template for globalization while also solving the challenges associated with it. When fully taking advantage of globalization, you are no longer restrained by talent that is available in your city. Global language is used in business and worldwide Free Language Second language Lingua franca 584 Words 3 Pages Good Essays Read More Contribution to World GDP Growth Rate 9. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF GLOBALIZATION IN EDUCATION In regard to education, structural adjustment policies ostensibly reduce public bureaucracies that impede the delivery of more and better education. as the cultural barriers reduce, the global village dream becomes more realistic through media policies coupled with the selection of specific foreign programs, in the face of globalization, yield complex interactions. If you have disposable income and you're buying a product that comes from abroad, you're . One of the biggest advantages of technology is that it makes globalization possible. These are crazy statistics when you realise that social media only emerged about 18 years ago. Advantages of Globalization: Goods and people are transferred with more relaxation from one state to another. 3. Old media were designed as a form of mass communication that was to be broadcast to the masses. Access to New Cultures. 1. Globalization has many advantages and disadvantages. Today there are 4.59 billion users on social media as of 2022. Advantages of globalization 1- Market diffusion 2- Great ideological diversification 3- Transmission of cultural values 4- Language exchange 5- Unification of moral values 6- Decreased social tensions 7- Greater human sensitivity 8. Globalization makes trade boom! The emergence of internet and social media has greatly shaped globalization. As a result, the economical and political life is hampering. 1. Globalized Culture, Globalized Markets Much globalized media content comes from the West, particularly from the United States. The sessions will help event attendees understand the business advantages of digital engineering, a digital transformation (DX) approach that leverages design thinking and agile development.